I don’t know about you my social media friends, but it’s been a long time since i’ve been offered a ‘Crystal Product’… 🤣😂…I don’t think it has the same meaning these days…

You guessed it, Fran’s Gone Phishing and he’s reeled in a real diamond in the rough today.

My interest was peaked when I first saw that sender address enter my inbox…GemSaler… hmmm, not sure this is going to be something I’ve legitimately expressed interest in.

Regular viewers will note that this is quite a standard phishing attack approach where the attacker seeks to prompt you into clicking on a link embedded in the email through a ‘i’ve tried to contact you multiple times’ strategy.

The warning signs here should be that:

– You don’t know the Sending Business
– You don’t recognise the Sending E-mail Address
– Communication is overly familiar

Overall, it’s pretty standard and not as good as many of the phishing attacks we’ve commented on during our series.


#phishing #phishingattacks #phishingawareness #security #cyber #business #safety #safeonline #fransgonephishing

FeedbackFans.com Managing Director - Chris Barnard

Chris Barnard has spent over 15 years delivering exceptional digital marketing performance for leading businesses in the UK, Europe and North America as an independent business consultant.

FeedbackFans provides a unique next-generation managed technology and marketing platform that delivers outstanding and outsized results for businesses in sectors such as finance, retail, leisure, and professional services.

With our unparalleled expertise in creating cutting-edge solutions and environments, we empower our clients and users to thrive in the digital age.

Chris Barnard is Managing Director of FeedbackFans.Â