
Guest Introduction: Phil discusses his background and the foundation of Elementary Analytics in 2018, with a relaunch in 2020.

Simplifying Data Analysis: The goal of Elementary Analytics is to simplify data analysis for marketers, helping them showcase their work effectively.

One-Click Reporting: Explanation of how Elementary Analytics provides quick and easy reports, helping marketers save time and present data efficiently.

Ideal Users: Elementary Analytics is particularly beneficial for small agency owners who are time-constrained and need efficient reporting tools.

Free Trial: Mention of a 14-day free trial with full access to all features.

AppSumo Experience: Phil shares his experience with AppSumo, detailing both positive feedback and challenges faced during and after the listing.

Positive Feedback: Success stories from small agencies benefiting from Google Ads integration and time-saving features.

Notable Customer Experience: Phil shares stories of customers who significantly reduced their reporting time and gained valuable insights using Elementary Analytics.

Future Features: Plans for integrating AI to enhance data insights, providing quick and meaningful analysis.

AI’s Role: Discussion on the cautious approach towards AI, ensuring it enhances the product without making it overly reliant on external technology.

Risks of AI Dependence: Potential risks of building too much on AI platforms and the importance of maintaining core functionalities independently.

Fishing Passion: Phil shares his love for fishing, a hobby introduced by his family, and his extensive experience with it.

Trivial Pursuit: Discussion on Phil’s favourite game, Trivial Pursuit, and its enduring appeal.

Final Words: Hosts thank Phil for his insights and encourage listeners to try the free trial of Elementary Analytics.

Future Engagement: Invitation for listeners to reach out with questions about the product.


Chris Barnard: Hello and welcome back to the Bear Business Podcast. I’m delighted to say that we’re back for another series and my first guest is Phil Hughes from Elementary Analytics. He’s going to be talking us through how you can use his software to measure and improve your business.

Phil, delighted to have you on Bear Business today. Thank you for coming on talk to us about elementary analytics. Elementary analytics was founded in 2018 and you relaunched it in Do you want to just tell our listeners a little bit about your background, what led you ultimately to creating elementary analytics and focusing on software that simplifies data analysis in particular?

Phil Hughes: Yeah, sure. So my background is from a software development software engineering side and sort of the journey for elementary analytics. As a lot of businesses are finding, it’s not always the first thing you start working on. So back in sort of 2010, 2011, I started my own sort of entrepreneurial journey, trying to use recording skills to, to build something for myself, fast forward a few years and myself and a few friends founded a little mobile app business, which was around. Sort of football and the away fun sort of travel thing that goes on in the UK with the massive footballing industry and everyone loves going traveling and Sadly the app bombed but My friend who took on the marketing had really managed to explode our social media more so In Facebook, so our Facebook page was, was crushing it.

We had like 180, 000 followers and we’d sort of repurpose the marketing site to become this sort of hub for the, the brand and the business. So instead of sort of building and using the coding skills, the sort of logic process that I’ve got naturally. And then started applying it to sort of looking at the data, looking at our website, traffic, looking at what was going on our Facebook page, also looking at multiple sites.

So I had my own personal blog and sort of a portfolio site. And what that led me to was going, okay, I’ve got all this data. I’m annoyed at how long it taking me to look at it, kind of create myself a little dashboard and, and start looking at the data. And then around 2018 started packaging it up and showing it to people. And then in the lockdown is probably a lot of businesses did. I kind of went defensively and switched it off and did some time working on the actual product to improve it. Get things like LinkedIn company page information in there, relaunched it. It’s the back end of 2020, showed it to a few friends who was like a small marketing agency and they loved it. And I’ve kind of just gone on with sort of the background of, of, of building it and trying to come up with the. The sort of USP for it, which is simplifying all the, all the data that’s coming in and giving you key data and, and, and go on from there and try and build the, build the brand for it.

Chris Barnard: Yeah. So quite an unorthodox entry into data and analytics, I suppose, which seems be one of the main routes into it. Very few people have come from a, Oh, when I was 12 years old, I wanted to be a data analyst, help people, um, Process this data, but of course now there is so many people in the data field, uh, unintentionally as well.

And I think a development background is, is quite typical now. So that’s. Brought you to creating elementary analytics. you mentioned that it simplifies data analysis How does that happen? How does this help? Marketers who are listening to this podcast Showcase their work because something that doesn’t happen enough in my opinion is that marketers create Go and show their work and say, look, I deserve a pay rise, or we need more budget for marketing because of this great work we’re doing. How does your software help people do that?

Phil Hughes:  I think going back to exactly what you’re saying, coming from a technical background. The sort of things you get taught at university and sort of my own interest is sort of giving you sort of key pieces of information so humans can process numbers between three and seven or piece of information between three and seven. So when you’re talking about a phone number you go. Oh, one, six, one, one, two, three, four, five, six. So that’s the way I kind of have tried to attack this and trying to help people with it to go, there’s going to be four pieces of key information from a certain platform. So let’s say Google analytics that you’ll look at, we’ll do the processing of comparing it to the previous periods information to give you a real quick indication that things are improving. So you can then say to the business, well, look, over the past 30 days, And for the past 12 months, numbers have been improving going on and on and on and on. Things like the one click reporting we’ve put in elementary analytics can help you do that. And I’ll show you a 12 month run rate. It’s it’s instant.

It’s data that you’re not processing. You’re not making up. You’re not manipulating. You’re getting it out. From the platforms creating to report in 60 seconds giving it to your boss and going like look give me a pay rise So are and things like that. So that’s the way i’ve kind of come about the the building of the app and also with sort of Building software for myself over the years I’ve kind of become a little bit obsessed with productivity and things like that’s led me down to the 80 20 principle So what i’m trying to always think about is What is the smallest number of data sets?

So going back to the five key data, which five pieces of data give us 80 percent of the information we need to make informed decisions. So I think not coming from a marketing background has helped me with a product because I can actually focus on the data side, the processing side, think coming at it from a different angle, but then still give the benefit to a marketer when the, when they’re using the product or I won’t click reporting cause you know, you’re getting, you’re getting the bulk of information. Very quickly and very easy and very simply

Chris Barnard:  The one click reporting was certainly one of the things I loved the most about elementary analytics. Uh, it reminded me of the good days of universal analytics and being able to find the template reports or creating your own reports that made sense from a business point of view. The things that the marketing team want to see.

And I love that your software is, is bringing it back. So what types of businesses do you think will benefit the most from elementary analytics? Is it especially helpful for those struggling with dark side of Google Analytics 4 for example?

Phil Hughes:  Yeah Precisely that so what we’ve kind of done with with it and it kind of was the same for universal analytics But we’re generally thinking it is like a wrapper for ga4. That’s basically going to give you a lot of benefit and We’re generally trying to get in front of marketers who work for Businesses that run the marketing for other businesses that that’s purely what they’re dedicated to. But generally a lot of customers and a lot of people we are working with closely has been small agency owners. So they seem to have the biggest benefit because they’re probably way more time constraint, way more under pressure. That’s been in so many plates that we’re able to give them all the information they need very quickly, the reports they need very quickly, create client dashboards that you can distribute, that give the client a view of their own data as well. And that seems to be a real good market fit for us as a small agency owners to give them a hell of a lot of time back each and every month and quarter. So that’s what we’re really focusing on.

Chris Barnard:  And there is a free trial Phil, that’s right. Is there? How long is the free trial for?

Phil Hughes:  So it’s a 14 day free trial. And we don’t limit you in that fourteen day free trial. So whichever package you want to test out, depending on what’s right for your business, you can, you can use the full thing for a fourteen day free trial. So.

Chris Barnard:  And until recently, there was a lifetime deal on AppSumo, as I understand, for elementary analytics. you want to share your experience and any insights for other businesses and entrepreneurs listening who might be considering that route of what your experience was with AppSumo and these software marketplaces?

Phil Hughes: Yeah, sure. So AppSumo was something that I was really wanted to, to, to list it on and being an AppSumo user from about 2014 myself following the founder Noah Kagan, I was really excited with it. And They actually come to me in 2020 when I relaunched I must have done something right because it looked like I was bigger than I actually was and they wanted me to list on there but it wasn’t quite a good fit and they changed the sort of approval process as well so there was actually more of a instead of them going out finding products you could submit your product and it went through a review process so I was excited to do that and we was approved which was Fantastic for me for being a big user of it and wanting to list on there for years.

It was a real, real win for us in that, that sort of point of view. And that they thought the product was good enough to be on there. And initial conversations was really good because one of the biggest things I’ve had with elementary analytics, and I think a lot of B2B software products have is getting honest feedback and getting insights about your pricing, how the product works for people. And because business owners are so busy. It’s very, very difficult to get that sort of time and insight, but AppSumo was great. They instantly looked at our pricing model and was like, your pricing tier for the low isn’t. You know, fit for purpose. You could do with moving the middle one down to the low one and creating a brand new tier. Um, so we did that taken from their advice and within sort of 24 hours, someone had actually subscribed to the fourteen free day free trial on this new tier we’d created from our website. Not even going through AppSumo. So the sort of insights you’re getting from these people that have know the software space inside out was, was, was fantastic. So that was a real good, a good experience for us. Um, and then it kind of, I wouldn’t say so in a bit, but yeah, it was a little bit disappointing in terms of what happened after that. So the commission structure was a little bit of confusing. We thought it was sort of a 70 30 split in favor of the business owner, but it wasn’t.

It’s a 50 50 split, which is fine. We was, we was going well, we’re, we’re getting sort of a lot of marketing and help here. And then once you’re on the listing, we find that the after sales is a little bit, it’s lacking personally. Um, if the sales aren’t up to what their standards are, you don’t get any support from AppSumo.

They’re kind of waiting to see what trick gives traction. And then they put a lot of stuff behind that. I think they got a lot of marketing behind it. And after being on there three months, they wasn’t happy with the sales and the amount of refunds we were getting. So we just got a couple of emails saying, you’re going to be So I’m not booting off the platform, but we’re going to sort of de list you.

And kind of, that was the experience that we had. So it was kind of like a good and bad thing that we would, we were disappointed with that sort of the after sales that we got with AppSumo, but there was a lot of benefits in terms of insights from our pricing model and then the customers we did get, so we did, we did. Do quite a lot of sales and yeah, the feedback we’ve got from, from users and that initial traction we got in has been a huge benefit for us. Yeah. So, so it’s mixed, mixed feelings on the launch, to be honest.

Chris Barnard:  And I’m sure that is the experience for a lot of people in these software marketplaces. It’s kind of a, uh, a good and the smooth with the bad. I imagine in a lot of scenarios for software being listed there, and you mentioned the feedback. Obviously, lots of, uh, solopreneurs, um, business people who are looking for software just like yours in a software marketplace like AppSumo providing feedback for early stage businesses often who are listed on there.

Is there any notable feedback or was there any success stories that you’ve had so far with elementary analytics that you’d like to share?

Phil Hughes:  Yeah. I think the feedback was, was it was mixed. Cause again, it depends on the people who was using it. So we did get a lot of small agencies on there. They loved it. And there was great feedback about our Google ads integration. I know you’ve been a massive help on that with us. So that’s been a huge way now they wanted to see it. And. Yeah, that’s, that’s been fantastic. And it’s helped us develop sort of the roadmap that’s going to be coming up. So there’s been a big benefit for that. A lot of success stories. And I don’t know whether this is sort of the biggest sort of thumbs up for the product is. In 2020, when I did a relaunch in 2021, I got my first agency customer.

So our agency tier is the highest price plan. And he was with me for about sort of 18 months. And then he kind of had a little bit of a. Um, a downturn in his own business, but we kept in touch and sort of last year, I decided to try and put more folks on elementary analytics and decided I needed to help. So I said to him, like, would you want to be my business partner and help me with the marketing and, and sort of getting it out there? And he just said yes, straight away without even any negotiation. Cause he said, I love the product, you know, I’m an advocate of it. And I’d still be using it if we hadn’t had a bit of a downturn in the business.

So. Yeah. So I think that’s been a biggest success story for me that someone loves it that much that they’re willing to, to go all in and really put the weight behind the product without any initial sort of, sort of funding or anything. So yeah, they’re stamping their own name on it, which is always a big, big plus for it. Um, another one was, was sort of the one click reporting side was chatting with an agency owner and she had two or three staff, but she did all the reporting herself and she did quarterly reports for her customers and they kind of took her Sort of five, six hours per report to get it out, bill distribute to the customers and she had between 12 and 20 customers. With her at any one time. So that was kind of like five, six days, a quarter. She was wasting, I say wasting that she was dedicating to reporting. So we kind of got her on, on the products for a little while and said, right, use it. We’ll help you set it up. We’ll help you with the reporting. And we got it done to sort of. Done in an hour. So all the reports generated and email that to the customers in sort of an hour, an hour, a 20 down from six days. So that’s the sort of one success stories. Yeah. One of the success stories. And then the kind of favorite one that we’re probably going to touch on this a bit further with the product and, and. A future feature that we wanted to try and build, but in the lockdown, a lot of people got sort of punched in the face and a friend of mine had taken on his family jewelry business and they were brick and mortar relied on foot fall for, for all the, the,

Chris Barnard: Metaphorically, I hope we’re talking.

Phil Hughes: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, metaphorically, but yeah, he got, he got impacted and was like, right, I got to go online.

I’ve got to move this footfall business to completely online now to try and survive. And he turned to Facebook was doing quite well on, on, on his Facebook page, getting that out there and doing a sort of e com store as well for, for all these products. And then one day I said, well, look, use the product.

You’re not, you’re not sort of understanding the data. You’re not looking at as an, uh, in March, give the product to go. It’d be great for your feedback for me. Yeah. And just see if it helps you. And then he messaged me one day. I was like, Oh my God, this is brilliant. And I was like, wow, what’s going on? And he’d been doing all these posts promoting something. Then all of a sudden they had a spike in sales on the new website and he didn’t know why. So he went into elementary analytics, had a look, what we do for each platform, we list the, all the posts for the last 30 days, and you can order it by a score. So he looked at the high scoring post. I don’t even know what that is. And he had a young girl working for him with it at the time. And he said, have you done this post? And she’s like, yeah, I’ve been noticed. A lot of people have been doing this style of post on Facebook and Instagram. So I thought I’d give it a go. And he’s like, well, you’ve smashed it. So we had a massive success story that he could see how to sort of structure his posts on sort of a trend that was going on on social media and just took a little bit of pressure off him when everything was sort of like up in the air that that was the pandemic and lockdown.

So, yeah, that was a. Great thing to see as well, that people can get insights instantly. Yeah.

Chris Barnard:  Success story that also touches on what we hit on around being able to show what you’re doing is working. Being able to show what you’re doing is valuable to the business. And you nicely touch on future developments and features, that I know people want to hear about.

What can users expect from elementary analytics going forward? And how will you keep the platform competitive in this evolving landscape? Is it fair to say AI will be involved at some extent?

Phil Hughes:  Yeah. I’m very bullish on AI in terms of not relying on it too heavily. Cause I think unlike things like cryptocurrencies and NFTs, the, that seems to be a fad, AI does seem to be a bit a fad for me, it seems to infiltrate all sorts of industries, if not all industries. So I don’t think it’s going anywhere soon. And I think the mistake is people could be doing too much with AI and relying on it because it then goes away. you know, you could be setting yourself up to fail, but the way I’m trying to look at it is how can it enhance elementary analytics without You know, taking away the product as it is. So we have an insights system, which is on a daily basis.

We’ll go and look at yesterday’s Google analytics traffic and compare it with the previous day. And if it’s gone up by more than 5%, we’ll then start. Do this analysis and go right. Okay. It’s gone up by this amount. Here’s your data. Here’s the traffic sources. And because in our platform, you can start linking all this data together.

The different platforms will go and look at your Facebook page information, your LinkedIn company page information, what ads you’ve been running and try and pull together and give a grading of right. Okay. Well, this Facebook post has done well. We’ll give it a rating of like. Gold, silver, bronze to see how well it did competing traffic. This is your best performing pause for that day as well. And we are trying to sort of give that information in there. But what I’m quite excited about is we’ve got all this data. What does that actually mean? And can we give all that data to AI, ask it a question or two, and it gives us a paragraph back explaining what actually happened in the traffic.

Uh, and all the data to give you, but it was this Facebook post because it was an image in this text that used an amazing hook and you use this copywriting framework and it’s just drove all this traffic. So you’re actually giving people. Real cool insights straight away using, using the power of AI and the way it can process data in sort of seconds.

So I kind of want to keep that sort of alongside with a 60 second report. And if we can give you insights in 60 seconds as well, that would just be fantastic.

Chris Barnard: Yeah, certainly the Holy Grail from an insight point of view, certainly for hard pushed agencies, hard pushed marketing departments. It’s all well and good having the stats, but actually to be able to pull out or for AI to assist what the insight is from those stats. I think it’s going to be quite revolutionary once.

It is done in a way that is sort of respected and helps inform decisions for the business further up. I think that’s going to be a great moment. I’ve got a particular view on AI. I don’t your own views on it, that particularly the platforms. are going to, so by the platforms I’m talking about OpenAI, uh, Google, Gemini, as it changes its name anytime soon again, Google, Gemini, say for now, right?

Because what you are getting, and of course, you’ll be getting on the software marketplaces like AppSumo, is a lot of, uh, AI derivative bots that do certain specialist subjects, right? And that’s great. But my own view is that the platforms are not going to allow that to sort of happen. And people take money off their big cash cow.

My view is that eventually sort of open AI is gonna as they keep doing when they release a new model, will try and get as much of this revenue for That is allowing people to create as we’re seeing with GPTs, uh, their own specialist bots. I just wondered if you had any views on, on AI. You’re willing to commit to any views on AI

Phil Hughes:  yeah. So, um, a friend of mine, a colleague I used to work with was, was building something on AI and. I did help him, but I was like, I’m not going anywhere near it. And he was like, why I said, well, I see, and especially from my experience building products for now for a decade, I I’ve been sort of hit with, with building too much on other people’s sort of intellectual property.

And I think that’s the big risk for me is that you can build on quicksand basically. So the three things I always say, and I said to my friend is open AI code as actually what you’ve alluded to just ramp up the costs. It could be like. It’s actually peanuts at the minute to use sort of their API, but if they start ramping up the costs, your business costs that you’ve built, that you’ve built on top of suddenly skyrocket and take up all your profit and you go out business.

So that’s one thing. One of the things that we’ve done with elementary analytics, I think that people don’t realize is when you’re trying to. Use other people’s data. There is a huge approval process. So I’ve had to go through approval processes with Meta multiple times, Google multiple times, LinkedIn, multiple times, Tik TOK. And if open AI decide to do that again, if they suddenly go, all the apps suddenly get approval process, you could be waiting 60 days, two years before you get approved and they might

decide that all of a sudden. Oh, we don’t want you doing that and your business is over. And I think the third thing that I think is most likely because something’s happened at the minute, because AI is now everywhere and it’s infiltrating all different industries. I think it’s the EU. Um, I’ve done something where they’re giving AI tools a grade in a different range between one and five. And I think there’s, there’s five levels. So I’m just wondering if, if a government steps in and goes, No, one’s allowed to use open AI in the UK because we’re worried it’s just going to decimate a certain industry. So I think that’s one of the risks as well,

is that could just get a lot of people are going to jump on it from a governance point of view and just really reigning what’s it allowed to do. And if you’ve built on something that gets restricted, again, there’s all these risks. So that’s one of the things I’m always considerate with, with elementary analytics is I could do a million and one things with AI on, on elementary analytics, but. That’s got to be an enhancement of the product. And if it does get taken away as worst case scenario, is the product still amazingly useful for people? And that’s the balancing act I’m trying to come up with is that we’re not handing the keys over to someone else too much.

Chris Barnard:  It’s a great warning and it’s not even a hypothetical cautionary tale because of course, uh, uh, The artist formerly known as Twitter that we now refer to as X has recently gone through ramping up the costs of API access it has killed dead lots of software that I was interested in. We’ve always been quite interested in Uh, and the prices for that, as you say about the costs, there’s only one way these costs are going, and that is up the same as everything else in the world.

So I think that’s a really great cautionary tale, actually, that if you are out there building businesses, make sure you are building on firm ground. In technology, that could be quite difficult, but firm ground as you can find, because there’s certainly shakier ground. Uh, with fault lines than others.

Let’s just go a bit more on the personal pastimes now, as we just wrapping up Phil.

We’ve discussed before that we have a lot of similar interests, but there’s one interest I don’t have. Although I think you are in the early stages of converting me, that you do have, which is that you’re an avid fisherman.

So what do you love about the experience of going fishing and how did you get hooked?

Phil Hughes: Um, so it was, uh, it was my family that introduced me. So my father was brought up in a pet shop and my grandfather worked. My grandmother ran the pet shop and my dad helped out and they ended up shutting the pet shop because I don’t think it exists anymore. Uh, but. There was a big, um, I don’t even know what you call them, but like, Woolworths was a store in the UK that sold everything and when they were running this shop in sort of the 60s, they started selling fishing equipment. So my grandpa sold fishing equipment and fishing bait in the shop. Woolworths started selling fishing equipment, which they then stopped, stopped selling. And then they started selling pet food, I believe.

So they had to shut the shop. So yeah, they had their own little business. But I remember being about six or seven and going into the attic and the loft room of my grandparents house and going, Oh, what’s all that in the corner? And they went, Oh, that’s the old fishing stuff that we kept from the shop. And we’d been fishing with a couple of times.

So I was like fishing. So then the next time I went away, my dad took one of the rods and just tied a bit of bread to the line. And I just sat on next to a river for hours and didn’t catch anything. But yeah, then I was hooked. Yeah. It kind of, it got me into it. And then from the age of about 12, 13. Up until about the age of 15, when I started playing football, my weekends were just sat on the local lake fishing. So Saturday, Sunday, and then even in the summer, I’d save bait from my Sunday fishing trip, and my dad would pick me up after school and drop me off at the lake, and I’d fish till about 10 o’clock at night. So yeah, I do love it. Yeah, it’s a great pastime.

Chris Barnard:  I have, since we spoke about it the other day, I have actually remembered one time I went fishing. I don’t know if it qualifies, but what we would do, this is going to sound absolutely insane to some of the younger listeners. Uh, but when I was on holiday in Mallorca with my uncle, uh, and we were in sort of an apartment by the seaside, I remember sort of taking, um, bits of my socks part to create a line and then have these little hooks that we’d put, we would sort of have, uh, is it the bimbo bread in Spain that really like, you know, chewing on sawdust sort of hard bread

Phil Hughes:  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chris Barnard:  cheese and we try and catch fish off the side I do remember my brother falling in one time as we did that into like a nest of crabs

Phil Hughes: Oh, nice. Brilliant.

Chris Barnard:  I know absolutely wonderful holidays away, Phil not be You’ll not be asking for an invite anytime soon to that Uh, but that’s great.

We love that. You love that And do you have what we do ask these days is do you have a favorite game whether it’s a board game card game or video game? game tell us about

Phil Hughes: Oh, I think again, going back to my childhood and I still love it now. And if I get asked, yeah, I think Trivial Pursuit, the board game Trivial Pursuit. Yeah,

Chris Barnard: And what was it about Trivial Pursuit? Was it the kind of the meeting of minds? It was a kind of how long would you say a game of Trivial Pursuit probably went on longer in my house than your house? How long would you say a game of Trivial Pursuit goes

Phil Hughes: Oh, hours, hours, yeah, I was in it. And when you get into the last, it gets so competitive because you get to the last space. And you get to the middle and the people can pick which type of question you have to answer. So they’re obviously going to pick one you don’t know. So yeah, it can hours and it gets

Chris Barnard:  of knowledge. It’s kind of a lost art form, isn’t it? Having that sort of breadth of knowledge

because it would kind For those who haven’t played Trivial Pursuit, there’d be different categories. Was science, science was a category, music a category, Phil?

Phil Hughes:  Yeah, so I think the one we’ve got, we’ve got science and nature, which is a bit of a weird one. So I’m always like quite sciencey, but then my wife’s brilliant with the nature and a documentary sort of like David Attenborough.

Um, entertainment, which is your music and your TV. Arts and books, sport, which is my normal go to, Geography, which I’m quite good at, and what’s the other one? History as well, yeah, history. So

Chris Barnard: I think from the football app days, I always say, I know it’s probably one of those things that people cringe at, but your geography does get quite good by supporting football teams because you’re of course going around the UK or if you’re fortunate going around Europe as well, going to places that you might not usually go to.

Quite excitingly, I think Stockport County Lincoln City are in the same division next year. So we’ll get our fishing trip together and you

Phil Hughes: Yeah, yeah. There is actually a fishing ship There’s a fishing lake behind the Stockport County grounds, so Two birds, one stone. Yeah,

Chris Barnard: We’re on. We’ll be fishing while watching the football. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have you on, Phil.

Phil was saying, please go and start that free trial of elementary analytics. If you’ve got any questions, please fire them at us. Thanks for being here, Phil.

Phil Hughes:  Cheers, thanks for having me on, appreciate it.

FeedbackFans.com Managing Director - Chris Barnard

Chris Barnard has spent over 15 years delivering exceptional digital marketing performance for ambitious businesses in the UK, Europe and North America through his marketing technology business, FeedbackFans.com and as an independent business consultant.

By his mid-2o’s he was running digital departments in FTSE100 companies in London, eventually leading the digital acquisiton for a well-known brand in his early 30’s generating nine-figure revenues with seven-figure budgets. He now puts his experience, knowledge and ideas into good use, supporting challenger brands and forward thinking businesses to outperform in their sectors, whilst disrupting and improving the marketing, technology and development sectors that FeedbackFans.com inhabits.

Feedback Fans provides a unique next-generation managed technology and marketing platform that delivers outstanding and out-sized results for businesses in sectors such as finance, retail, leisure, and professional services.

With our unparalleled expertise in creating cutting-edge solutions and environments, we empower our clients and users to thrive and outperform in the digital age.

Chris Barnard is Managing Director of FeedbackFans.com and producer of the Bear Business Vodcast