When it comes to sports sponsorship, it can sometimes feel like you’re sitting down to a classic game of Guess Who?—you know, that game where you flip up little faces and ask yes-or-no questions to narrow down your options. Only, instead of trying to figure out if your opponent’s character is wearing glasses, you’re asking questions like, “Does this team’s fan base align with our brand values?” or “Will this brand really elevate our sports program?” The stakes might be higher than a family game night, but the strategy? It’s eerily similar. Let’s break it down!

Round One: Flipping Up the First Cards (AKA Defining Your Criteria)

Just like in Guess Who?, the first step in any successful sports sponsorship is figuring out who’s even in the game. In the board game, you’re faced with a set of characters—some with hats, some with facial hair, some smiling, others frowning. In the world of sports sponsorship, these “characters” are the teams or brands you’re considering. You want to ask yourself a few key questions right off the bat to start narrowing the field:

  • What are your brand values?
    Are you all about sustainability, or is your brand more about luxury and elegance? The same way you wouldn’t guess a smiling blonde character if you know your opponent’s character has brown hair, you don’t want to align with a team that doesn’t match your core values. You’ll be flipping down options faster than you can say “sustainability.”
  • Who’s your audience?
    The audience is your game board. Are you trying to reach a young, vibrant crowd, or are you more focused on families? Much like trying to figure out if the mystery character has a mustache or is wearing a hat, this question will help you rule out teams that won’t resonate with your target demographic.
  • Where do you want to be seen?
    This is like asking if your Guess Who? character has glasses. Is it important for your brand to have global visibility, or are you more focused on local communities? Teams with different levels of exposure will either get a card flip or stay in play.

Round Two: Asking the Right Questions

Now that you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s time to dig a little deeper. If you’ve ever played Guess Who?, you know that once you’ve figured out the basics (Does your person have blue eyes? Nope—flip down!), the game gets trickier. The same goes for sports sponsorship.

  • Is this a long-term partnership?
    Are you looking for something that feels more like a one-off win, or are you aiming for the long game, building a lasting relationship that evolves as both the brand and the team grow? Think of it as asking, “Does your character have a beard?” It’s a make-or-break question. Knowing your goals up front will help you flip down the teams or brands that aren’t a perfect match.
  • What does the fanbase care about?
    Do they care about community, charity involvement, or cutting-edge innovation? If you’re sponsoring a soccer team whose fans live and breathe the local community, but your brand has no presence in that space, that’s a mismatch. Much like the process of elimination in Guess Who?, you keep asking until only the perfect fit remains standing.
  • Does the team or brand have the right ‘look’?
    Yes, it’s a bit shallow, but visuals matter. If your company’s brand is sleek and modern, you may want to sponsor a team that embodies that same look and feel. It’s kind of like narrowing down your Guess Who? character based on whether or not they have freckles. You know what you’re looking for, and you’re getting closer with every step.

The Final Flip: Making the Right Choice

After you’ve asked all the right questions, it’s time for that satisfying moment when you’ve narrowed down the board and you’re left with just one or two options. At this point in Guess Who?, you’re ready to make your final guess. In the world of sports sponsorship, you’re preparing to make a game-changing decision.

Here’s where you might face the trickiest part—double-checking your work. In Guess Who?, you might hesitate before making your final call. Did you miss something? Is there another question you should’ve asked?

Similarly, before you sign on the dotted line with that team or brand, ask yourself:

  • Does this partnership help us reach our goals?
  • Will it engage the audience we care about?
  • Is this partnership going to help us build credibility and exposure in the sports world?

If the answer is a resounding yes, then congratulations, you’ve won the sponsorship game of Guess Who?!

The Twist Ending: You Can Always Start a New Game!

In both Guess Who? and sports sponsorship, the beauty is that the game doesn’t end after one round. Partnerships evolve, new opportunities arise, and sometimes the market shifts in ways that make you reconsider your choice.

Maybe your brand is eyeing a new demographic, or maybe that up-and-coming sports team just had a killer season. Much like grabbing the next board and shuffling the characters in Guess Who?, you can always reset, redefine your goals, and start the hunt for the next great sponsorship.

Ready to Flip the Board?

So, whether you’re flipping down game pieces in Guess Who? or narrowing your options for the perfect sports sponsorship, the key is in the questions you ask. Sponsorship decisions, like board games, require strategy, patience, and a dash of luck. But get it right, and it’s a win-win for everyone involved.

So, who’s ready to play?

FeedbackFans.com Managing Director - Chris Barnard

Chris Barnard has spent over 15 years delivering exceptional digital marketing performance for ambitious businesses in the UK, Europe and North America through his marketing technology business, FeedbackFans.com and as an independent business consultant.

By his mid-2o’s he was running digital departments in FTSE100 companies in London, eventually leading the digital acquisiton for a well-known brand in his early 30’s generating nine-figure revenues with seven-figure budgets. He now puts his experience, knowledge and ideas into good use, supporting challenger brands and forward thinking businesses to outperform in their sectors, whilst disrupting and improving the marketing, technology and development sectors that FeedbackFans.com inhabits.

Feedback Fans provides a unique next-generation managed technology and marketing platform that delivers outstanding and out-sized results for businesses in sectors such as finance, retail, leisure, and professional services.

With our unparalleled expertise in creating cutting-edge solutions and environments, we empower our clients and users to thrive and outperform in the digital age.

Chris Barnard is Managing Director of FeedbackFans.com and producer of the Bear Business Vodcast