There’s a secret ingredient to success that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves: being easy and enjoyable to work with. This is the unsung superpower that can make all the difference in your relationships, especially in a world where client service can make or break your business.

Sounds simple, right? Yet, how many businesses or individuals truly live by this principle?

Keep It Simple and Direct

Let’s break down the heart of this statement: simplicity. No one enjoys working with someone who overcomplicates things. Business doesn’t need to be a maze of jargon or endless hoops to jump through. The key is making it easy for your clients and colleagues to understand your process and get things done.

So, how can you make this principle work in your favour?

  1. Clear communication: Keep your messages concise and to the point. No need for endless back-and-forths when a simple, straightforward answer will do.
  2. Proactive updates: Let people know where things stand without them having to chase you.
  3. Simple processes: Streamline workflows wherever possible, whether you’re handling projects or responding to emails.

Do you ever find yourself wishing a colleague or vendor would just make things easier? What can you change in your own approach to be that person?

Do What You Say, When You Say You’ll Do It

Here’s where so many people stumble. Reliability is like gold dust in business relationships. It’s not just about getting the job done, but about doing it when you said you would. Your word is your bond, and that trust you build is the foundation of long-lasting partnerships.

What’s the simplest way to build this trust? By consistently delivering on your promises. When you tell a client or colleague that you’ll get something done by a certain date, do everything in your power to make sure it happens. And if, for some reason, you can’t—communicate that as soon as possible. People are far more understanding when you’re upfront about delays than when you leave them hanging.

The Power of Honesty: Admitting What You Don’t Know

This might be the hardest part of the equation: being willing to admit when you don’t have all the answers. It’s tempting to want to appear like you’re on top of everything at all times. But, spoiler alert: no one is!

There’s real strength in saying, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out for you.” Not only does it show humility, but it also builds credibility. Your clients and colleagues will trust you more, knowing you’re not feeding them false information or wasting their time with guesswork. In the long run, it fosters stronger relationships built on honesty and transparency.

Would you prefer working with someone who admits their limitations or one who pretends to know everything and fumbles along the way?

Client Service is More Than Just a Buzzword

It’s easy to talk about good customer service, but not everyone walks the walk. To stand out in today’s crowded market, you must go beyond what’s expected. Exceptional client service is about consistently delivering value, exceeding expectations, and making your customers’ lives easier.

Think about the businesses you love working with—whether it’s your favourite coffee shop, your local hairdresser, or a service provider. What makes them stand out? Nine times out of ten, it comes down to how they make you feel. When businesses make transactions easy, seamless, and even enjoyable, we naturally want to keep coming back.

Is your client service top-tier? What steps can you take to ensure your clients are getting the best experience possible?

The Real Secret to Getting Busy

If you want to build a thriving business or career, focus on becoming the person who is easy and enjoyable to work with. It’s the kind of superpower that quietly, but powerfully, attracts more opportunities your way.

When clients know they can rely on you to deliver, communicate effectively, and be honest when you don’t have all the answers, you become their go-to. They’ll remember how working with you made their lives easier—and who wouldn’t want that?

So, ask yourself: how easy are you to work with right now? What can you do today to make working with you or your company an experience people look forward to?

The Ultimate Superpower in Business: Reliability, Simplicity, and Honesty

Being easy to work with is the ultimate superpower that can transform your business relationships. By keeping things simple, delivering on your promises, and embracing honesty, you build a reputation that not only helps you succeed but also makes you the kind of person everyone wants to work with.

Ready to flex your newfound superpower? Managing Director - Chris Barnard

Chris Barnard has spent over 15 years delivering exceptional digital marketing performance for ambitious businesses in the UK, Europe and North America through his marketing technology business, and as an independent business consultant.

FeedbackFans provides a unique next-generation managed technology and marketing platform that delivers outstanding and outsized results for businesses in sectors such as finance, retail, leisure, and professional services.

With our unparalleled expertise in creating cutting-edge solutions and environments, we empower our clients and users to thrive and outperform in the digital age.

Chris Barnard is Managing Director of and producer of the Bear Business Vodcast